Get Course recommendations to improve the Skill Profile of an Employee
The access token received from the authorization server in the OAuth 2.0 flow.
Path Parameters
Unique external ID linked to this Employee, consisting of alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.
Required string length:
1 - 100
Query Parameters
The maximal number of results returned.
Required range:
1 < x < 100
The minimum score of the results. Due to approximations for fast result-delivery, there might be records with a score slightly lower than the minimum.
Required range:
0 < x < 1
The response format determines which additional data is returned along with the matches. Currently only supports the 'simple' format.
Available options:
Additional entity attributes that will be included in the response body. This query parameter can be added multiple times to include more attributes.
Available options:
, entity
List of match results.
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